Mar 21, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Universal Search

Universal search

Universal Search empowers 3RM users to easily navigate and explore features as well as access support documentation right within the app!

By leveraging this powerful, integrated feature, users can quickly surface contacts/conversations or even issue commands (like "Open chats"). With our extensive array of features, 3RM enables you to craft diverse workflows and manage multiple inboxes seamlessly.

As your experience with 3RM evolves, your sidebar will expand with Smart Lists and new functionalities. But thanks to the universal search feature, you can easily navigate to any page or dashboard through a quick search, saving you time and energy.

How it works

The search functionality is straightforward: it prompts the server to locate records based on your query and then presents the results to you in the command bar spotlight.

These results are clickable. In the event you search for a contact, universal search will open the sidebar, providing comprehensive information about the conversation (or conversations in the event you have communicated with that contact off Telegram and imported the conversation via manual chat), which can also be edited from there. Once edited, the contact info will be reflected in the universal search bar automatically.

How to utilize universal search

Access the universal search feature by typing “CMD-K” or tapping the Search Bar. Once activated, you can swiftly execute a series of "open" commands or perform a quick search for a specific contact/chat, explore features, adjust settings, and more.

Efficient Project Management

Imagine you are in a situation overseeing multiple tasks and collaborating with team members using 3RM. With universal search, you can swiftly locate important project-related discussions by entering relevant keywords (such as a name or organization).

In another instance, if you need to find the latest status update on a specific project that you didn't own, you could simply type in the relevant contact names or keywords, and 3RM's search tool will retrieve all relevant points of references associated with that project. This can save you and your team valuable time, ensuring that you stay updated on progress without having to manually sift through countless messages in your organization's 3RM inbox.

All in all, universal search within 3RM offers a seamless experience, whether you're managing projects or providing customer support. Its quick efficiency around retrieving information empowers users to streamline their workflows and processes, enhancing you and your team's productivity .